Welcome To PlanetFortress
Home of Team Fortress, Team Fortress Classic, and Team Fortress 2.
Team Fortress 2 is finally here! For all the latest, you need to visit Planet Half-Life and their Team Fortress 2 section.
Originally, Team Fortress 2: BrotherHood of Arms was going to be an official multiplayer add-on for Half-Life, however as development ensued, it became apparent that if Valve wanted to truly fill TF2's potential as it should, it would need to become it's own game. This caused a little upended excitement in gamers who had already plunked down the money for Half-Life in soul anticipation of TF2, but once they got to play HL, were elated to see what Valve and TFS could do with creating TF2 as a complete game.
To rip it up in Team Fortress Classic, check out our extensive section and Survival Guide.
The one to rule them all. Team Fortress has a special place in every gamer's heart. We've still got all the essentials in out Team Fortress Section, it is a shrine to Quake Team Fortress. Be sure to check it out for nostalgia.