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Current Files Section
Rainbow Six: Vegas 1.05 patch.
Rainbow Six: Vegas Map Pack.
Splinter Cell: Double Agent 1.02 patch.
GRAW 2 1.03 patch.
Rainbow Six: Vegas is now available for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC!
GRAW 2 now available for Xbox 360, PC, PS3, and PSP.

Site News: Wed · Jul 2 · 2008

Vegas 2: 1.03 patch is now available

Posted at 11:59 PST by Rifter | General Rainbow Six News


The Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, 1.03 patch has been released. Head over to fileplanet and snag it!

Here are the changes:
* New Ranks
Many additional ranks have been added for you to unlock past the rank of Elite. XP you've already accumulated as Elite will be applied towards the new ranks.

* New A.C.E.S.
The A.C.E.S. now go up to 100 for each of the three categories: Marksman, CQB and Assault. Each A.C.E.S. level earned contains a substantial XP reward. Points you've already accumulated in each of the categories will be applied towards the new levels.

* Grenade Indicator
When inside the damage radius of a Frag or Incendiary Grenade, a grenade indicator Icon is displayed on the screen.

* High Stakes
- Experience the game modes in a more tactical way using the High Stakes setting.
- Limited HUD
- No Radar
- Enemies not visible on Tactical Map
- Grenade Indicator is disabled
- Health System
- Health Regeneration is disabled
- Changed the post-process effects of being in a Critical health state
- Take Cover
- Camera view has changed so that you must expose yourself to see around the side of a corner.
- Weapons & Gadgets
- Auto-aim is completely disabled
- Bullet spread is increased when not zoomed in. To be precise with your weapon, zoom in.
- Less ammunition.
- Kill Camera is always disabled
- Friendly Fire is always enabled

* Weapons & Gadgets Balancing
- Explosion delay of the incendiary grenade has been increased.
- Detonation speed of the C4 has been slightly increased.
- Increased the damage of Sniper Rifles at long range.
- Increased the base accuracy of the Light Machine Guns.
- Adjusted the Rate of Fire for some of the Assault Rifles, Shotguns and an SMG.
- Speed up the time it takes to zoom in & out with weapons to make it more responsive.

* Respawns in Team Deathmatch
Hosts can choose whether or not their match uses random respawns in Team Deathmatch.

* Voice Chat
Hosts can choose to enable voice chat between living and dead players of the same team so that when you die you can keep talking with your teammates. Player Match and System Link only.

* Score in Deathmatch
Your score, along with the top opponent, is displayed on your HUD in Deathmatch.

* Team Leader changes
Respawn next to your leader by default, unless you specifically choose to spawn back at your base.

* Show Dead Players in Lobby
Players that have no lives remaining will have a skull icon displayed next to their name in the lobby screen so that you can easily tell who's still alive and who's been eliminated.

UPnP Support Notes
Universal Plug and Play allows players behind a UPnP capable router to fully enjoy the online experience of Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

Network will be automatically configured to allow voice chat, custom head and ping features to work seamlessly behind a router.

You can enable/disable UPnP in the multiplayer tab in the options page.

Site News: Thu · Apr 17 · 2008

Vegas 2 PC available to download

Posted at 15:44 PST by Rifter | General Rainbow Six News


I wanted to point out that Direct 2 Drive now has Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 available for download. Head over and grab it now!

Along with the new Vegas 2 downloads, they also have a smoking special, combinging Vegas and Vegas 2 in one package, for $62.95. If you have not played the first Vegas, do NOT pass up this deal.

Site News: Mon · Mar 31 · 2008

New viral ads for Ghost Recon

Posted at 8:53 PST by Rifter | Ghost Recon News


It looks like there are some new viral ads on the Ghost Recon website. Two videos are "completed" for viewing, with 3 more "processing". There are flash tidbits that fall onto the "top" of other game pages like the Rainbow Six, or Endware sites. If you click on them, they all take you back to the Ghost Recon site.

Site News: Fri · Mar 28 · 2008

R6: Vegas 2 review over at Gamezone

Posted at 14:28 PST by Rifter | General Rainbow Six News


Gamezone sends word that they have reviewed the PS3 version of Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. | Digg This | Glink It Hailed by many gamers and gaming critics alike as a masterpiece, Rainbow Six Vegas delivered a truly remarkable tactical first-person shooter to the next-generation consoles with much success. Not only was it an intense experience but it also showed that that there is still room to improve the first-person shooter genre. It certainly improved many aspects of the genre and since then other franchises - like the Call of Duty series - pushed their own shooter to new and exciting heights. If the first game in the Vegas series was the first step into a new and marvelous direction then Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is merely just retracing said step. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t make this sequel a bad game but rather a familiar one with nothing completely new to show us.
They gave it a good, solid score. Head over and check it out.

Send us your Rainbow Six Vegas news!

Posted at 11:04 PST by Rifter | General Rainbow Six News


This is a call for everyone out there, that visits this site. If you come across a review, or Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 review, please let us know. You can email us at We are a community site, and the site works best, when the community helps us find little nuggets. I look forward to hearing from you!

Site News: Thu · Mar 27 · 2008

Download additional maps for Vegas 2

Posted at 9:37 PST by Rifter | General Rainbow Six News


The Ubisoft forums explain how to download additional maps, from inside of Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. Here are the instructions:
How to download extra content……..

Streets Map

From the games main menu….

Select ‘Extras’
Select ‘Exclusive Content’

At this point and if you have not already done so you will be required to ‘link’ your gamertag

Linking Your Gamertag…
To link your gamertag you will need your Forum username and password When prompted provide this information, the server will then confirm your login details and link them to the gamertag you are playing online in at that time.

Once your gamertag is linked (or if already done) you will be able to view a download menu.
From this select the map ‘Streets’ which will then download to your game as normal.

Comcast Map

From the games main menu……..

Select ‘Extras’ Select ‘Comcast Gift’

At this point you will be prompted to input the code provided with the game Input the code as requested and download the map
The code for the Comcast map is "COMCAST FASTER" without the quotes.

Site News: Wed · Mar 26 · 2008

Evil Avatar reviews Vegas 2

Posted at 8:26 PST by Rifter | General Rainbow Six News


Evil Avatar has a review of Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 up. They give it a good score, and the game's reception seems good. Head over and check it out.

How real, are realistic weapons?

Posted at 0:02 PST by Rifter | General Rainbow Six News


Popular Mechanics has done a phenomenal new article about weapon realism.
In real life, people rarely want to get into a firefight. But in many video games, particularly military-themed first-person shooters (FPS) like the just-released Rainbow Six Vegas 2, you can’t wait to step into the line of fire. After all, you’re an elite commando, and there’s no way not to fight—no button to press to call your nervous wreck of a wife or go hang out with the kids. It doesn’t matter how many bullets you take while gunning down whole platoons of terrorists and mercenaries, because this is red-blooded escapism at its geekiest. So shut up and starting shooting guys.

Site News: Tue · Mar 25 · 2008

Prima Games Miniguides for Vegas

Posted at 10:56 PST by Rifter | General Rainbow Six News


Prima Games has released a whole slew of Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 miniguides for download, along with their full strategy guide for download.

The miniguides cover "The basics, and gear", "Official Walkthrough Plus PEC Rank Rewards Mini Guide", and "Multiplayer Maps, Achievements, and PEC Rank Rewards".

It looks like mini-guides are all part of the main strategy guide.

Site News: Mon · Mar 24 · 2008

Vegas 2: PS3 online issues

Posted at 19:15 PST by Rifter | General Rainbow Six News


Shacknews is reporting that the PS3 version of Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 is having issues online. Some PS3 owners are reporting troubles joining online matches, and being dropped from servers. The article mentions, that the 360 version has a few freezing glitches that have shown up.

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