Welcome to Planet Vampire! Whether you're a White Wolf fan, a fellow gamer, or a wandering soul who lost their way and wound up here, you'll find something for everyone. We are the number one fansite for White Wolf's Vampire Role Playing PC games. Here you will find info, art, mods, patches, fan creations, and on-going discussion on the pen and paper (P&P) RPG and the PC games Vampire: the Masquerade - Redemption (VtMR) and Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines (VtMB). We also have a discussion board dedicated to the upcoming MMO, which is tentatively titled World of Darkness and is currently being co-developed by CCP (of EVE Online fame) and White Wolf. Full of dedicated role-players, gamers, modders, and storytellers we do our best to bring you up-to-date news on White Wolf releases, state-of-the-game news, in depth game discussions, lovingly made fan creations, and much more.
Make sure that you have the latest version of the official patch installed to ensure the best and most reliable performance from the games. The current final official version for Redemption is v1.1, and for Bloodlines it is v1.2. Bloodlines also has a very well-made unofficial patch, which will bring you to v6.7. Visit the Bloodlines Patches area to get any version of the unofficial patch after and including v3.6.
Carpe Noctem Kins!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
PlanetVampire.com Staff Resigns and a New Site is Born!
This has been in the making for a while, just making it official. Aside from Dante who moderates at PlanetElderScrolls and wishes to continue there, all current PlanetVampire.com staff hereby resign from IGN's hosting and support. We thank them for the memories and if it weren't for their hosting this community for 10 years, we wouldn't be posting here together right now.
Over the years, the needs of PlanetVampire.com members shifted, with the changes in how people interact and the improvement of Content Management Systems and we, the staff, did the best we could to adapt with the tools we had to work with. We approached IGN multiple times to update the CMS and to add other users to the news system for the front page but we were denied the CMS and told no other staff could be added to add news to the front page, which also has the same login for the FTP. That was a double whammy in itself. Then the news system began breaking down and we were not only ignored but denied any kind of support when we couldn't post the community news when a new mod was released ect. We were losing inspiration and people were leaving because we weren't making the changes the community asked for and for some things, we just couldn't accomplish what we wanted and IGN wasn't willing to help us make the needed changes so we decided to continue PlanetVampire elsewhere.
This passed winter, a new domain was purchased and we finally started to be able to do some of the things we wanted and there is now no middle man to ask permissions and we have an open canvas to help support the community, the way we should have been able to do for some time. We now have a pretty strong foundation for the site in place and are ready to make the move.
Special shout-outs in no particular order:
Skyra- giving us a kick in the ass old-school style and helping us with his ultra-busy schedule
Javokis- For installing the site and forum, setting the front page theme (among other things) when I knew fuck all about how to do any of this.
Dante- For replacing the bloody testicle on the front page with a more suitable banner until a more permanent one could be put in place and giving sage advice in the secret moderator forum that Offkorn likes to speculate about.
Burgermeister- Wrote a prog that spidered the data from this forum so old threads would not be lost and the transition could be a smooth one. Really, you rock for that. He is also working on a template for people to easily host their work on the site. The only restriction we've found is if you're mods are too good and too popular, you get the site suspended due to hidden bandwidth restrictions.
Paine- Created the new files area for the site, one you could actually upload your own files and is properly categorized.
Dream Asylum- created the current banner on the front page of the new site that replaced Dante's temporary replacement banner that replaced the bloody testicle.(kidding Jav, don't hurt me Seagal Style)
Mv.c9- Who is making a new and improved Redemption area for the new site during a terribly difficult and hectic time in his rl.
El Gostro- Has made some buttons for the new forum that nobody has ever seen but I'll hopefully be able to work them into the theme somehow.
If I forgot anyone who has helped with the new site, it was unintentional. Thanks to everyone also for sticking around though these last few years and have continued to share their mods, videos and art and have kept the community alive.
Basically, PlanetVampire.com will still exist and so will this forum, unless IGN decides to close it down. However, after this announcement, there will be no more news posted on the front page of the old site, nor will there be forum moderation of any kind on this old forum, unless IGN "hires" new staff to replace us. I hope Master Cyril asks them for irony. If you want to continue posting here, we are proud of the work on the new site but that's completely up to you. However, if you change your mind, all threads dated 6/9/2010 and prior that were on the old forum will be waiting for you on the new forum.
Burgermeister01 has released version 2.0 of the Clan Quest Mod!
The description of the mod changes and improvements, as well as the download link can be found at Burgermeister's new page here at the new Planet-Vampire.com!
Click here to discuss the release in the current forum.
Here is a preview video of one of the new cutscenes added to this mod. Warning: It's pretty epic...
As many of you may know, the staff of PV, with the help of many other awesome people, are working hard to improve your experience at PV. We have requested a new CMS from IGN and unfortunately were turned down. We then decided it would be best to completely part ways with IGN. We'll have an official statement on that at a later time.
The new site is at an alternate url, "Planet-Vampire.com". We're changing and improving a number of things we've wanted to do for some time, including your suggestions, as well as adding more features. Some of which include:
The bottom line here is, we will now have the ability to properly promote the community with all the tools we will likely need. We have an open canvas to work with and will be able to better promote the community's work and have many many more abilities that we just could not have with IGN hosting and their current CMS and forum.
-Reliable hosting with support that has quick response time when issues do occur.
-New ways to display content with a more modern look.
-Hosting pages for anyone who wants to host their Redemption and Bloodlines mods at no charge. Burgermeister01 is creating a template to make it easy for everyone.
-New "Files Area". Paine once again helped us out in creating a better organized files area for all your Bloodlines and Redemption gaming needs. Have something you don't see listed? Simple fix, you'll now be able to upload the file to share with everyone! The old link on the right of this front page no longer works and we have no intention of fixing any further issues with the old site.
We have also been working on a new forum. We have more planned for this but feel free to post there. Eventually Dante will be the only staff member who will stay with IGN because he's also at PlanetElderScrolls. What that means is after we completely go live with the new forum, we won't be stickying threads or moderating the old forum. The new forum has many new improvements including:
-Embeddable videos
-Child boards. This is mainly for popular tutorials and mods. They will be directly linked below the forum, with a redirect to the download page or video.
-Much improved profile system
-Much improved moderation tools. We can't even merge or split threads in the Forumplanet System
-Much improved customization. We can change out smileys, upload new themes and if people feel like creating and sharing those themes then we can enable the ability for people to select which forum theme they wish to use.
Check out what we now have to offer and make suggestions for site improvements in this subforum.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Another Preview Video for the Bloodlines to Redemption Maps by The Upstart (NSFW)
The Upstart has been plugging away at re-making maps for Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines so they could be used for multiplayer in Vampire the Masquerade:Redemption. He has a newer version available than the one I used but hopefully this preview video I made will give you an idea of how awesome this project is.