Those waiting for a taste of the new Wolfenstein before they buy it can now sink their teeth into the Wolfenstein Demo for the PC!

Download Wolfenstein Demo

Halloween Wallpaper Contest

You could win a copy of the new Wolfenstein with our Planet Wolfenstein Halloween Wallpaper Contest!


The Wolfenstein game section is open for business! Pics, art, game info and a F.A.Q. await you!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Week of Wonders

Some items have hit the pages of Wolfmap while my attentions were drawn away, so make sure to stop by for full cruise of the latest and greatest files for RtCW and W: ET. Here's some prime examples of what you'll get:
  • Ambush (Beta 3): The Allies are attempting to steal the radar components. The Axis must guard their two radars and prevent the Allies from escaping with any stolen parts.

  • Erdenberg (Beta 1): The axis are holding a small town of Erdenberg as one of their headquarters. With the power of two Flak88 cannons they are stopping the allies on moving further in the field. The allies are now sending a special crew to disable the enemy weapons in order to continue their battle.

  • Speedrun Lava v1.1.0: You have found yourself in, what seems to be, hell. You're only way to escape is by locating and using the teleport device.

  • Museum Sniper (Part 1):It's a big museum with six different dioramas. All dioramas are made by some UJE-Clan members. You can snipe from all sorts of snipe dioramas. Crossing is impossible. Locations: Desert, Boxing Ring, French Style, Warehouse, House & Space

  • TJmod 1.6.5: "Fixed the bugs in 1.6.4 + some more, ob detection (TJ_drawob 1), and some div stuff.. It should also run on Linux this time."

More from the Floor (of QuakeCon)

There was some Wolfenstein talk at this years QuakeCon, but only in the obscure sense of how it will happen if it happens. Since the Zenimax purchase of id Software, some changes have come into play and one is that id will develop their own games from their IP's. No more farming them out to studios like Raven. Another little nugget that came out this weekend is that id Tech 5, the engine behind the upcoming Rage title will not be licensed out to other developers and kept in the ZeniMax family. Check out this Todd Hollenshead Interview at VG247 for more.


It's nice to be getting back into a more normal schedule after last weekend. I had a lot more going on that just QuakeCon 2010, so saying things were chaotic would be an understatement. The flow from the event is still going and I'm still getting video in from one of the guys that covered it for us. It's going to be crazy around here today, but a good kind of crazy where stuff gets done! So let it be written, so let it be done.

Friday, August 13, 2010

QuakeCon 2010: Day Two

So far the news coming out of QuakeCon 2010 is a little slack compared to previous years. There’s nothing going on at the event as far as DOOM 4 goes and with game presentations slated for today, the only new gaming news has been John Carmack porting Rage to the iPhone. Expect more on Rage as well as Splash Damage’s Brink later on after their presentations. Here's the schedule for today:
  • 10:00am Exhibit Hall Opens
  • 10:30am Quick Draw - Event Stage
  • 11:00am Building Blockbusters - Main Stage
  • 12:00pm Minute to Win It - Event Stage
  • 12:00pm Photo Scavenger Hunt - Registration Area
  • 1:00pm Immersive Worlds Panel - Cortez
  • 1:00pm Fatal1ty Challenge - Event Stage
  • 2:30pm Rage Presentation - Main Stage
  • 3:30pm Quick Draw - Event Stage
  • 4:00pm Let There Be Sound Panel - Cortez
  • 5:00pm NVIDIA Presentation - Main Stage
  • 5:30pm Fatal1ty Challenge - Event Stage
  • 6:00pm Exhibits Close
  • 7:00pm Quick Draw - Event Stage
  • 7:30pm Hunted Presentation - Main Stage
  • 10:00pm Master Pancake Theater - Main Stage

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wolfenstein ET and RtCW Source Released

In his Keynote speech from QuakeCon 2010, id Software Technical Director just announced that the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory source code will be released shortly on the id FTP. A full Press Release will follow, so keep your eyes peeled!

Update: The source code files for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Return to Castle Wolfenstein are on the id Software FTP, and here's the links you need (Thanks AnthonyJ!)

QuakeCon 2010 Steam Pack

Holy stuff on a stick Batman, have you seen the QuakeCon 2010 Steam Pack yet? They’ve decided to run sales throughout the four-day event and it’s going to feature a mix of Bethesda and id titles, but the big deal is the QuakeCon 2010 Steam Pack where you can get every id Software game and add-on pack along with some Bethesda treasure like Fallout 3: GotY, some Elder Scrolls classics an more. You’ll of course get all the DOOM, Quake and Wolfenstein that you can handle (Quake 4 and the newest Wolfenstein are not included) for just 69.99 USD. That’s right fellow babies, that’s a helluva lot of gaming for 70 bucks so check it out if there are some holes in your collection!

Mionix NAOS 5000 Mouse Review

If you're waiting for the action to get cranking at the big event in Dallas, then spend a couple minutes checking out my Mionix NAOS 5000 Mouse Review! That's right, they sent me a new toy and I ran it through its paces and gave it a good going over. This one is sexy looking that's for sure, but you'll have to read the review to see if it's worth your hard earned gaming dollars.
This is one sexy looking mouse, in or out of the box. Not that that matters at all. If a mouse felt right, moved well and had the accuracy I crave I'd use it if it looked like a plastic dog turd. I'd use it if it looked like Mel Gibson, although I'd prefer Mel Brooks if it came down to my favorite Mel or anything. The mouse has a meaty, yet flowing look that you can tell was made for the complicated piece of machinery that is the human hand. (More)


It’s the first official day of QuakeCon 2010, and if you want to keep on top of everything going on, the first thing you’ll want to do is check out the QuakeCon 2010 Schedule of Events that’s been posted so you can see when, what and where things will happen. There’s also supposed to be live coverage of the event starting today from Quake Live TV, so keep a browser open to that as much as you can. Now buckle-up buttercup, ‘cause the fun is about to begin! | GameSpy | Comrade | Arena | FilePlanet | GameSpy Technology
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