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 Saturday, May 30
Allods Online Interview
09:12 | by Kyote
RPG Vault has a new Allods Online interview, talking to Sergey Orlovskiy about Nival's new online project.

Mass Effect 2 and Galaxy Details
07:52 | by Kyote
Voodoo Extreme has a press release on BioWare's upcoming Mass Effect Galaxy title for the iPhone and how it connects with Mass Effect 2.

 Friday, May 29
Planet Diablo's Blizzcon Giveaway
09:23 | by Kyote
Planet Diablo is holding a Blizzcon ticket giveaway in which, with Blizzard's help, they're having a 2009 Character Profile Contest.

Atlantica Beyond Level 100
09:23 | by Kyote
RPG Vault has posted another guidebook to Atlantica Online, on what to do beyond level 100.

The Matrix Online Closing
09:22 | by Kyote
SOE has announced that The Matrix Online, the MMO set in the popular film universe, will close on July 31, 2009.

 Wednesday, May 27
IGN Editorial Part 2
21:32 | by Kyote
IGN has posted part two of "It's How You Say It", their editorial on the past and current trends in role-playing dialogue structure and storytelling. In part two they examine the future of dialogue structure and where it's going.

Free Realms Hits 2 Million
14:15 | by Kyote
IGN has a report from Free Realms creators SOE that their tween and teen market MMO Free Realms has surpassed two million players.

View From the Bottom #12
14:15 | by Kyote
RPG Vault has the latest "View from the Bottom" by Jeff Vogel, creator of the Geneforge RPGs.

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