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 Saturday, May 30
The Sims 3 Previews
09:10 | by Kyote
Planet The Sims has rounded up some more new previews of The Sims 3.

Red Alert Coming to iPhone
09:07 | by Kyote
Planet Command and Conquer has news of the confirmation that an iPhone version of Red Alert is coming and it will be showing at E3.

Anno 1404 Trailer
09:07 | by Kyote
Check out this brand new trailer for Anno 1404.

 Friday, May 29
Command and Conquer Coverage
09:25 | by Kyote
Planet Command and Conquer has new screens from The Red Alert, an upcoming total conversion.

 Wednesday, May 27
Anno 1404 Preview
21:24 | by Kyote
IGN tonight takes a detailed look at Anno 1404, the upcoming new city builder.

Big Huge Games Saved
08:52 | by Kyote
Voodoo Extreme reports that Big Huge Games, makers of Rise of Nations, has been saved from closure by Curt Schilling's 38 Studios.

 Tuesday, May 26
The Sims 3 Susan Boyle Trailer
05:42 | by Kyote
Planet The Sims has a new trailer for The Sims 3 that shows off a Sim Susan Boyle.

Company of Heroes Coverage
05:41 | by Kyote
Planet Company of Heroes has the unveiling of a new PanzerKrieg map from the official site.

Cities XL Features Detailed
05:38 | by Kyote
Voodoo Extreme has details on more of the features you can expect to find in Cities XL.

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